Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Camouflage Frog

Camouflage Frog

a frog camouflaged in moss and leaves


  1. Exceptional capture. It is difficult to see:-)

  2. This picture reminds me of the recent bag worms that were making their way up my tree. When I noticed them of course they were in caterpillar form crawling up the bark and at first they appeared to be a dark spot om the bark. When I stopped at looked at them it amazed me at how well they blended into the bark. God's creativity always amazes me!!

  3. Ah . . . the Frog Prince getting away from it all and incognito, WC (without crown).
    I think he or his relatives may live by my WW nature theme this week. Hope you can stop by.

  4. Good camouflage! I had to look for a second to see him.

  5. Ooo I love frogs. :) Very nice picture!

  6. That's absolutely brilliant!


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