Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ABC Wednesday - Parched Mud

P is for Parched Mud .......

curling dried parched mud layer

This dried up, curling layer of mud made for a unique texture image.

It was odd that just the top layer was affected, as the sandy dirt under it was not disturbed.

Soon after I snapped this shot, this little spot was walked upon by many pairs of boots, and very little of the parched layer remained.


  1. A novel P, one that lasted for a moment.
    I like the concept a lot.

  2. Very nice shot. Nice P too.

    Have fun:)

  3. Wow, this is a fantastic photo. It makes me want to grab a bucket of water and quench it back to life. Great shot.
    Rocky Mountain Retreat

  4. I really like this choice for the letter P. Great subject and technique. Black and white is the perfect choice.

  5. Great shot of parched mud. I guess you really need some rain.

  6. Great idea to immortalize parched mud for posterity's sake.

    Seriously, nice photo and observation.

    Come visit,

  7. Looks like a piece of art.... ;)))


  8. Wow! This is PHENOMENAL!!! What a different choice for today. Well done! :D

  9. A very interesting photo. I like it. Good choice!
    This is my ABC.
    as well as this.

  10. Great catch! Wonderful photo.

  11. Cool shot Kathy, I have lots of mud around the spot I go to image the stars, gonna have to start looking around more on the ground.:)

  12. That is so unusual. I would never have guessed what that was without your title. Glad you were able to get a shot before it was destroyed.

  13. Good idea for "p"! I had trouble thinking of anything this week! "Q" is going to be even harder! LOL!

  14. Kathy, I guess this was on a lake shore where mud washed up over the sand?

    It's a great textural capture! We're on the same wave-length about texture!

  15. Very neat abstract Kathy, love all the texture in this, well done !!

  16. So sorry for being late to visit you, I am playing catch up after a few days out on the motorbike.

    Loved the texture of this photograph. We were watching TV programme of a family who built their own home out of clay, so natural.


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