Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ABC Wednesday - R is for Radish

R is for Radish............

a bowl of diced radish

They don't look it, but the radish in this bowl is cut into very tiny pieces.

I am not a big fan of this vegetable, but it's pungent taste is needed in some dishes.

So, I figure the smaller they are, the less shock they give to the eater.

I mainly use them in potato salad, and their pretty red color looks really good against the yellow of the egg yolk in the salad.

I really can't stand the potato salad either - but my family has given mine rave reviews for many years.

I'll stick to the green salads - they can have those eggs and potatoes all to themselves!

This is the seventh round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. My husband loves radishes, but I could live just fine without them. They are fun to grow however.

  2. I love potatoes! minus the radish. :-)

  3. I've never tried radish in my potato salad, but maybe I will use it to give it a little Zazz!

    I LOVE potato salad but it's way too fattening...

  4. Not a fan either; I should try your theory.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. I quite like potato salad, but I do not like the radishes either! I add spring onions intead :)

  6. Great R! I never would have thought of this.

    Erika B

  7. I used to eat this when I was a child,
    very healthy vegetable.
    thanks for the lovely reminder,
    cute r take.

  8. Well I've been making potato salad for years, and years, but never thought of putting in radishes ~~how smart, good taste and color!!! Thanks for teaching an "OLD" dog a new trick!!!

  9. Hey... I found you through the Adgitize Me network. Have a lucky Sunday!

  10. I love potato salads with radish. Your'e right about it looking more interesting too, the red really pops.


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