Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ABC Wednesday - D is for Dog

D is for Dog............

profile of a beagle dog in the grass

A very common word for the letter D - dog.

He was not easy to capture at first.

This Beagle dog was in a new place, and he was following his nose everywhere.

After about a half an hour, he was more than ready to take a break in the soft grass.

That was the perfect time for me to grab a few shots of him.

A friend was dog-sitting him, and that was the only time I ever saw him.

I am not usually around dogs, so I am glad he was gracious enough to pose so nicely for me to photograph him.

This is the seventh round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. That's one handsome dog - and cooperative, too!

  2. He is a nice looking Beagle and the panting tongue is a good look - for a dog. I like the space you have allowed in front of his nose so that he is not squashed!

  3. Lovely portrait. Dogs are sometimes hard to get them to stay still.

  4. Love your photo of the sweet Furbaby!

  5. Very cute canine.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Actually he looks as if he is posing for you. Nice photo.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  7. Yeah I think this is about the only time I'd seen a dog photo on your blog :) Nice capture, worth the wait, eh? :D

  8. Dogs - a wonderful creation! Infact Freida is looking at me from her settee! lol! Yes - walk is on the agenda!

    Great stuff - as ever!
    ABC Team

  9. u caught the angle very well.. looks like a perfect pose! :D

  10. Wonderful dog-portrait. I thought about choosing the word 'Dog' because it is a very good D-word, but did not have good enough dog-photos. (I have three cats.)
    Best wishes,

    Anna's D-word

  11. Next time you need pictures of dogs, come visit my neighborhood; they out numbered the people. You could take a bunch of shots.


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