Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday's Photo Tip - Redirect Light

Friday's Photo Tip - Redirect Light

purple grapes against a white background

Shooting stock photographs that are set against a white background can be very tricky at times.

It took me a lot of experimenting to get it just right.

Shadows were always plaguing me, and most times my subjects always looked so dark and drab to me.

Using studio lighting isn't my favorite, but I was determined to make it work.

I found that by using a reflector or two I was able to bounce the light around.

That certainly brightened things up a lot, and it helped with those dark shadows too.

And another thing I have found to be helpful - make sure I wear a white shirt when doing these shoots.

Even that small detail can help to "add" or "direct" more light towards my subject when I am standing in front of it.

Some of the props I use are far from professional, but I have some darn good ones that work pretty well.

And looking at the final result, nobody would ever suspect how crazy some of them are.

What a good feeling it is when it all works!


  1. So obvious, but I didn't think of wearing the white shirt!! And funny thing, I got red reflections on white pearls one guessed it, from a red shirt! Love your tips!

  2. ohhh, such a tricky man you are..i wonder you used even your shirt for the techniques..
    so tahnkful for the tips friend.. keep posting

  3. Going to buy some grapes now :) Thanks for sharing the tip!

  4. thanks for the tip, I never would have thought to wear a white shirt.

  5. i was watching our creative director take photographs for a client just the other day and learned how small details like this matter!

    thanks for the tips, and looking forward to reading more of your entries!


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