Monday, September 28, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

a stone sundial with an unusual design

It took me a while, but I finally joined Facebook this past summer.

Since I never made a post to announce it, I figured it was about time to do that.

It took a while to figure it out, but I must say, I really like the way it pulls all my blogs together.

There is an application that also posts the images I upload to my photo website.

And since I joined Twitter about the same time, it also pulls in all those posts.

And not only do I get to keep updated with all my blogging friends - we can comment on each others posts right there.

I am so glad I finally "discovered" this website.

I have a facebook and a networked blogs widget in the sidebar - thanks for stopping by!


  1. Be prepared for all your new friends on Facebook with that announcement! I haven't taken the plunge yet and am not sure if I will. At least you are enjoying it which is the main thing.

  2. I dislike Facebook, but I am really enjoying Twitter. I am following you there (in case you haven't noticed me in your list of followers, I am @bnsullivan - my personal Twitter.)



Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - it is appreciated! I will do my best to return it with a visit to your blog. Take care, and enjoy!


Visitors Since 09/05/07