Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Bridge to the Ocean

Bridge to the Ocean

bridge to the ocean

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  1. Nice picture. Happy WW and a nice day.

  2. wow, what beautiful photography!!

  3. Nice post! Happy Wordless Wednesday! Happy Thanksgiving too! I cant believe the holiday season is here! This weekend we will put up all our Christmas decor, and listen to Christmas music! Have a good Holiday! Come visit my blog!

  4. Thanks for visits and your posts!

  5. Now that we got our third winter wonderland, I think I prefer your bridge to the ocean. Very nice blue sky and as I like the rusty stuff, I like the wooden structure that has so much character also. Very nice contrast, thanks for posting. Anna :)

  6. Anna - I wish it were that time of year now. We have had one snowfall already - I'm ready for spring, and winter hasn't even started yet!


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