Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABC Wednesday - M is for Muzzleloader

M is for Muzzleloader............

the trigger of a muzzle loader rifle

Just look at the fancy work on this old muzzle loader.

I would never dare fire this old weapon - way too much kick back for me.

My boys both use new, modern day muzzle loaders, which are fine looking pieces also.

But the old ones always catch my eye.

The delicate details on them sometimes are quite amazing considering their jobs.

And that hammer with it's graceful curves doesn't look like it belongs on a gun.

The wood on this one isn't too fancy, but on some of these weapons the stocks are really works of art too.

Sometimes you find beauty where you least expect it.

This is the seventh round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. Great post for the M Day! Beautiful old gun! Hope your week is going well!


  2. the older ones are somehow more interesting.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Oh oh nobody would messed with this thing. Happy Wednesday!
    ABC Wednesday

  4. That really is quite something! How old is the gun? For myself, I'd avoid guns completely and run the other way should I see one pointed at me! Not that that would happen, of course, with our Canadian laws. Have a great week. :D

  5. Well I love this gun, and will have to send my son a picture of it. He has a business called the OldTimer, and makes wooden rubber band guns like grandpa used to make. He would love to make a replica rubber band gun of this. Really cool M post.

  6. Indeed! You've captured the beauty of the old muzzle loader!

  7. Muzzle loader? I would have never of thought of that, but why not? Nice photo. You really know how to get the fine details!
    Best wishes,
    I let my cat Sara do this week's ABC-Wed. theme for M. Please visit her post. She really likes to get comments.
    Sara Cat's abcWED-round-7-M

  8. I'm afraid of guns. This is something i most definitely wouldn't want to mess with. have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Kathy, in the old days it was work of art, today its production. Thanks for sharing, nice photo.

    Hope all is well.

    Anna :)


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