Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ABC Wednesday - I is for Ivy

I is for Ivy............

green ivy on a brick building

Love the old buildings in the old historic towns along the seacoast.

And the ivy that is creeping up the side of the roof is Mother Nature's art work on these old buildings.

The round window with the ship's steering wheel design caught my eye right off - the ivy was an added bonus.

I didn't notice until I got home and was processing the image that it was going up the roof like that.

Hopefully the owners of the building left it, but most usually have someone come and remove once it gets too wild especially around the windows.

This is the seventh round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. It seems wherever ivy gets a toe hold it takes off. I think is so beautiful on old brick buildings.

  2. Ivy certainly does decorate a building, doesn't it? I hope they don't take it right off, though with ivy in my garden, I do know you have to keep it well trimmed!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part this week!

  3. I remember the Tom Lehrer line "ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls."

    nice pic.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. The *movement* of the ivy is what catches my eye. With the strands leading away from the roof line, it really juxtaposes a motion feel with the stability of the building. Love it.

  5. Oh Ivy - so wintery don't you think?

    ABC Team


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