Wednesday, June 16, 2010

ABC Wednesday - V is for Valve

V is for Valve............

spigot on the side of a house

This little valve or water spigot is getting much use these days.

This photo was taken before the hose was hooked back up for the summer.

But now that all is in order - this little valve gets used daily for watering the garden.

In winter it get completely enclosed and insulated with a cover designed just for it.

This is the sixth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. A valve....who would have thought!!! Good V.

  2. It looks well cared for - almost like new! Excellent shot and V.

  3. Valve is a good V-word. Summer-bright photo too!
    Best wishes,

    Anna's V-word

  4. The simple things can be very interesting; case in point
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. ty for the visit im glad to be back here again

  6. Denise

    Thanks so much for your contribution – yes what looks like something insignificant can certainly have a huge impact on the day to day life of a household!

    I try to visit as many contributors as possible each week but sometimes I just dont manage it, but we have a great ABC team and between us we see that everybody gets a comment. We are coming to the end of the current round and plans are in store for the next round, I do hope you will be part of the fun! If you would like to be part of the team just drop me an e-mail :-

    Denise Nesbitt
    ABC Wednesday founder & team member

    denisebydesigns at googlemail dot com


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - it is appreciated! I will do my best to return it with a visit to your blog. Take care, and enjoy!


Visitors Since 09/05/07