Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May Flowers - My World

May Flowers - My World

little white flowers in the spring

I have always called these tiny white flowers May Flowers.

I have no idea if that is their real name, but since they appear in May, hence the name.

They showed their cheery faces a bit earlier this year - in April to be exact.

The abnormal heat of this spring had them blooming before May even began this year.

And surprisingly, they are still around almost a month later.

In some fields, there are so many of them, there is no where to step without stepping on them.

I love to see them, and sometimes they are mixed in with the little purple spring violets.

So beautiful!

MWT White


  1. Those are so sweet! imagine a small little nosegay of them!

  2. I don't know what kind of flowers are either but they sure are pretty. The more I see your pictures the more I like "your world"!

  3. These are so beautiful. They are so delicate. Do they have any kind of smell?


  4. They look really great. I have seen them also around here. Great shot

  5. They are indeed wonderful. It's always good when they appear, as it means May and spring have finally arrived. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That's a perfect name for them, whatever the scientific title is. Very nice picture.

  7. great name for the flower, no matter what the scientific name is! It just looks like Spring and May.

  8. They shine so bright and are so pretty :)


  9. What an incredible blossom. I am not at all familiar with this plant, but it sounds like one I would like to get to know better.

  10. Yes you are right! Those are really beautiful May flowers!


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