Friday, February 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Friday Edition - Gushing Water

Wordless Wednesday - Friday Edition - Gushing Water

gushing water with much force

I haven't done a Wordless Wednesday post in quite a while, so here is today's entry for the Friday Edition.

Can you guess what this water is gushing from?

It was taken last spring, right before the ice went out on the lake.

It looks small in the photo, but it really wasn't.

Very loud and with such force - it was scary yet exciting to be there.

Let me know what you think - the answer will be coming in another post!


  1. Very cool Kathy, just goes to show you looks can be deceiving, would have loved to have been there.

  2. I looks like one of those drainage pipes on the right, but I can't imagine what was holding the water back before it let

  3. Hope against it gushing from a dam?

  4. I thought it was a cloud - strange how your perception can change from soft and fluffy, to roaring and powerful. Cool picture.


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