Sunday, February 20, 2011

Closer View of the Water Outlet

Closer View of the Water Outlet

water rushing through the dam outlet

A couple of posts ago I showed an image of the water outlet at the dam.
It was a wide angle shot that showed a part of the platform I was standing on too.
I mentioned it was much closer than it appeared because of the lens setting on the camera.
This image is what it really was - right there below my feet.
All that water rushing in those holes made such a loud sound - I couldn't even hear my husband talking right beside me.
Glad he was there too - my courage and shaking knees would not have allowed me to do it alone!


  1. Your photography is wonderful ....I am still trying to learn how to take a good picture. Bravo! Catherine

  2. This photography is looking very amazing and wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


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