Sunday, July 26, 2009

Two Gala Apples for Green Thumb Sunday

Two Gala Apples for Green Thumb Sunday

to gala apples hanging in a tree

Green Thumb Sunday Blogroll

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I haven't done a Green Thumb Sunday post for a few weeks, so I will post this image of two Gala Apples for this one.

It was taken last fall, and I just couldn't resist them while walking through the orchard.

There were gorgeous specimens everywhere, but this one seemed just perfect with the light.

You can eat while you pick, and they tasted so good!


  1. Those are gorgeous! And now I'm craving an apple. :)

  2. Thanks a beautiful photo...actually makes my mouth water as I love apples!

  3. Yumyum, they look so delicious!!

  4. Great shot, cool you were able to pick and eat them as well.

  5. Beautiful shot, Kathy. They look delectable!

  6. Gorgeous picture! Love how the sun is beaming off the top apple.

  7. Okay Kathy I will leave you alone now, just you had so much good stuff on your blog and I been really away from blogging. Excellent capture, and you have a good week. Anna :)

  8. *Sluuuurp* You make me crave for apples now.. lol! ;P

  9. What can I say that hasn't already been said? It is a beautiful shot and they do look very yummy!

  10. I thank you all for your kind words. Apples straight off the tree are the best!


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