Friday, April 4, 2008

Military Refueling Plane

Military Refueling Plane

military refueling plane against dark clouds

While we were at the ocean, this military refueling plane kept passing over the harbor where the boys were fishing.

Just like clockwork, every thirty minutes or so, it would fly over, always going in the same direction.

I don't know if it was the same plane each time or a different one.

Considering it's size, it was really quite close and low on those flybys.

In order to use this as a stock photo, all the military emblems and any identifying info was removed in photoshop.


  1. I think, sometimes they do training flights...I'm observing the same also here in Charleston. We have big Military bases here, Navy ships and a Airbase.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, Kathy!:-)

  2. Kathy, nice photo. I guess we do have to be careful with all the logo's on the plane if used for stock photography. I have many planes that I took at our Toronto airport. But I guess if the photo is not for resale, it can be used in the blog, I will have to look into that. Bits of information helps, thanks for sharing. Anna :)

  3. Nice catch of the day. Wonder what will happen if this refueling plane ran out of fuel too :)

  4. Hi Susanne - I didn't think of that - it sounds like that could be the case.

    Thanks for visiting!

  5. Hi Anna - I think it can be used in a blog as long as it isn't for sale. Sometimes recognizable faces and logos can be used for resale - but only as editorial. Some many rules to keep straight!

  6. Haha Fruity - and I do not believe he can refuel himself!

  7. Perhaps it was looking for a petrol station as it was running low on

    Cheers Mark

  8. Stunning shot! I like the way it's not in the centre of the photo

  9. Kathy, love the photo, interesting about having to remove the markings on the plane, don't get many cool planes fyling around here, well I shouldn't say that, we have the odd helicopter flying around sometimes,lol.

  10. I do believe that's a KC-135, a tanker based on the old Boeing 707 airframe. Nice capture, Kathy. You 'caught' a big one!

  11. Hi Bob - we don't get too many around here either - this was at the ocean, which is about 1 1/2 hours away.

  12. Haha - thanks, Bobbie - you sure know your planes!

  13. Hadnt seen one of those in long time. Great shot of the 135.

  14. Thank goodness we have Photoshop to keep us off the legal hook! That's why I don't shoot photos of people very much. It gets involved and takes time to talk to them about a model release, et al.

    When we go to Maine we often hear fighter planes going overhead and the roar is deafening! I always expect them to break the sound barrier. They are frightening, at any rate, and really break the peace of the day.


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