Tuesday, January 22, 2008



expense report ledger and pen

The camera has been on a bit of a vacation for the last week or so, and will have to be for the next month or so as well.

It is income tax season, and pulling all the reports together and closing up the year ends for a self employed family is a big job.

The paperwork is astonishing and the organizing and calculating has yet to begin.

I am most thankful for the computer and all the time and work it saves - I remember well the days of written ledgers with pages and pages of entries, and really don't want to go back there!

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  1. Hi Kathy,
    Good luck, I have to do the same and like you are so pleased that I can do it online, it saves so much time.

    Cheers Mark

  2. I feel for you. I dread this time of year when I have to sit down and do the taxes. Luckily, it's not for weeks otherwise I would go crazy. Sorry to hear you camera is taking a vacation. Thanks again for consistently your EC in my box.

  3. Kathy, nice photo and thanks for the reminder. Here in Canada taxes are taken during every cheque, and if they take too much, the gov will give you back later, however, since I work for myself all my personal taxes and business taxes are paid on the end, I hate writing those cheques. Thanks for the reminder Kathy, lol, great photo. Anna :)

  4. Good luck with getting your taxes done, Kathy! I don't even want to THINK about tax time yet!

    Get it done and come back soon!

  5. So hard but you have to do it. good luck to your work, and I'm waiting your camera to return from vacation.

  6. Hi Mark - computers have certainly made many things easier!

  7. AVCR8TEUR - your welcome on the EC. I really do not like these taxes either - but they must get done!

  8. Hi Anna - ours works much the same way, but being self employed - as you know - it is such a huge job each year to get it all together and figured out. It doesn't help that the government has a form for every little thing it can think of!

  9. Lynda - I'll be in and out, but more out than I would like!

  10. evlahos - I can't wait for it to get back in action - but if I bring it back out beforehand, I won't get much else done!

  11. I hate doing taxes, I wait till the day before, it's like going to get a tooth pulled !!

  12. You deserve an official "Bless your heart" for having to go through all that...;-)


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