Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ABC Wednesday - G is for Gull

G is for Gull..........

a lone sea gull walking on the beach


This gull had the whole beach to himself, besides us of course.

The day was so hot, I wonder if the cool water and wet sand felt as good on his feet as it did on ours.

Our presence didn't bother him - I am sure he is quite used to having people around.

But when those dogs start coming around, as they usually do at this beach, I am sure he is no where to be found.

I was actually pretty glad they weren't there too - the camera doesn't go well with shaking wet dogs that are only too eager to visit.


This is the tenth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. One is the loneliest number in the world... I hope the Gull isn't lonely.

    Gigi Ann ABC Wednesday Team

  2. GULL-orious day.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. A cool lonely beach always sounds good to me. Bu if you are hot you must be either near the equator or 'Down under'.

  4. What a perfect post! I've been doing this meme since round 4? And, I hardly ever see 'gull' as an entry.

    and, I am also visiting here today on behalf of the ABC Weds. team!

  5. Gulls are seldom lonely. Had you thrown a crust of bread, all his friends would have shown up too.


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