Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Closer to the Ceiling - My World

Closer to the Ceiling - My World

corner of a new bed mattress
 I had to laugh.
We made a big purchase this past week on something we hadn't done since we were first married.
And my, have there been changes since then!
Our new bed mattress and box spring were delivered today, and they are sure different from the ones they hauled away.
This set is high - so high my legs swing in the air when I sit on the side of the bed.
My husband's first words - we are sleeping closer to the ceiling tonight - look, my foot can almost touch it.
An exaggeration for sure, but I'm worried about the middle of the night bathroom run, and not being able to find the floor!

MWT White


  1. I just bought a new mattress a couple of weeks ago and experienced the same thing. For the first few nights, I was so conscious of being closer to the ceiling and it felt very strange! Now I need to buy new sheets that fit properly.

  2. Oooh I need a new bed too! I don't mind sleeping closer to the ceiling :)

  3. We made the same purchase recently and experience the same situation. They do make a box spring that is half the thickness of the standard unit. It lowered the bed 4" and made everything much better.


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