Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ABC Wednesday - N is for Nest

N is for Nest.............

a nest with a blue robin's egg

A little robin made this beautiful nest in one of the bushes we have growing beside the driveway.

She had already raised a family and this was a second laying that she had late in the season.

I really hated to see her build her nest here - it was only about 3 feet off the ground, and we do have a few feral cats around.

She ended up abandoning this nest before the egg hatched.

I kept an eye on it for the rest of the summer, and that little blue egg stayed right there - no squirrels or blue jays disturbed it.

As the winter wore on, the nest began to deteriorate, and the sides had collapsed in the middle.

She was back this season, as she was dive-bombing me as I walked past the bush this spring.

She ended up building in a new spot this year - a year older and a year wiser!

This is the third round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. Excellent post! I love your photo.

  2. There is something about age and the coming of wisdom. A cute little story.

  3. That is so beautiful.
    Isn't the shade of Robin's egg blue so very dainty?

    Bear((( )))

  4. I took a photo of a bird's nest but not as beautiful as this :) pretty :)

  5. A sad fate for that little egg, but happy to read that mama has gained some wisdom. I like the way the light hits the nest here. Gives it the illusion that it's safely tucked away in a safe place.

  6. What a beautiful "N" The composition is great. The blue egg really draws you into the photo.

    An Arkie's Musings

  7. I guess maturity helps even birddom.
    Interesting that nothing disturbed the nest.

  8. Lovely photo and choice for today! :D

  9. What a lovely story and a fantastic picture. We had Robins build in our tree just right above our front porch one year.

    They hatched successfully and what a joy to watch they were.

    Thanks for sharing Kathy!!:-)

  10. Oh how sad that the egg should perish during the winter season. The bird must build its nest on a safer and higher ground, away from all the predators and from men. Thanks for the melancholy post. God bless you always.

  11. Robins often build close to the ground, don't they? We have one nesting under our thick conifer most years. Worrying, for sure!

    Good post, and lovely photo!

    Jay - new member of the ABC Wednesday team!

  12. You photo didn't load for me, b ut I can imagine how delightful it must be. I, too, love to watch the Robins raising families year after year in the tree beside my front door.

  13. What a wonderful nest,looking so cute.


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