Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ABC Wednesday - L is for Love Washing Away

L is for Love Washing Away.............

love letters in the sand washing away by the incoming tide

My daughter was writing words in the sand as we walked along the beach.

Most of them were still intact as we walked back - all except this one.

The tide was slowly coming in, and one rogue wave had us jumping and quickly moving out of it's way.

By some very lucky chance - I was able to catch it before it completely wiped out the word of LOVE.

Her response to the wave's action was perfect for the title - Love is being washing away.

This is the third round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. That is sooo sweet!

  2. How sweet! But the good thing about love is that we just keep on writing it in again, don't we?

  3. This is an awesome photo! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  4. Let us hope some traces are left...

  5. Nice photographs. I enjoy your work !

  6. Great capture and idea for the letter.

  7. I love ABC Wednesday, what a cute idea!

  8. awww nice... when "love washes away" it's time to look for another love :P hahaha my subject for L. . That is a great shot by the way.

  9. Very creative post for the letter L.
    There is something rather sad about love washing away.

  10. Love is being washed away, but the GREAT news is, it can always be written again : )!

  11. Thanks for all your kind words and comments - I will be visiting you within the next few days.

  12. What a great photo! How sweet you were able to snap this before it disappeared....

  13. Form the mouths of babes they say. What a profound little remark from your little girl.

    And how wonderful that you did get the shot for all of us but especially for her.

    Thanks for the wonderful share!!

  14. Since you captured it before it could wash away, maybe you should retitle this "Love Endures"? Yes, I'm taking the optimistic spin on this one. Nice capture.

  15. There is something so wistful about the tide washing words away. Every time we leave a beach we write the words 'good bye' knowing that soon those words will be gone.


  16. I loved the photo then loved the story behind it.


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