There is always so much to do.
My photo website has taken a back seat for a while now.
And it will probably be that way for a while to come.
Life has a way of doing that - throwing one curve ball after another.
I do have images that were processed a while ago that still need to get uploaded as well as new stuff from the past year that I haven't even had a chance to look at yet.
Heck, some of it is still on the camera needing to be uploaded to the computer.
And the poor camera - it hasn't been used in months - the battery was so low it wouldn't even turn on.
But, when I do get a few minutes, every now and then, I will be trying to upload what I have to my website, and to several of the microstock sites that I contribute to.
Most of it is a couple years old now - but it's all still new here.
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - it is appreciated! I will do my best to return it with a visit to your blog. Take care, and enjoy!