Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ABC Wednesday - M is for Marigold

Marigolds are always a bright spot of color in the garden and I like to include them each year in mine.

I have never purchased them as plants because they are so easy to grow from seeds.

And the seeds are much cheaper than the plant flats.

They have a slight smell to them, but nothing as grand as the roses or lilies.

It isn't Marigold season here yet, but I do have my seeds already and they will go in the ground at the beginning of next month.

Spring is slowly making it's way to New England this year, and it's arrival is most welcome!

This is the twelfth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details. 


  1. I always love having marigolds in the garden! They just seem to BE summer!

    abcw team

  2. such a lovely flower!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Great macro shot ~ for M ~ your cat steals the show~ ^_^

  4. Great choice for 'M'!
    I always plant Marigolds with my Tomatoes. Folklore claims they keep pests away from tomatoes.
    Lovely photo!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. Nice choice for the M week!! We use a lot of marigolds here and is a must for every festive occasion!! Garlands of marigold are strung across the main door during any auspicious event. It is synonymous with gaiety and happiness!!

  6. Marigolds are cute flowers and have always like them, they really can brighten up a good summer garden, I just wished they would bloom in winter too.


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