Sunday, September 23, 2012

Entrecard Droppers

It seems that the days of using Entrecard have come to an end.

It has been down almost a week now and from what little I can gather across the web - it will be staying that way.

I am glad that most of the blogs I visited on a daily basis are still available in my browser's history.

I have made a new folder in my bookmarks and have added many of them to it.

I will continue to visit them off and on as I have always enjoyed reading what many of them had to say.

I had four blogs in the system, and doing my drops brought decent traffic to them.

I do hope that those who dropped on my blogs will continue to stop by occasionally when they have a minute.

I thank you all who visited these past few years through Entrecard - it was good while it lasted!


  1. I've got you blogs parked in my reader.I will continue to vist every posting.I will attempt to comment as well.

  2. I was wondering how much longer it would last... :-(

  3. WOW Kathy, I was just talking about Entrecard yesterday...things will change for sure, but it was a great idea and I am grateful for the relationships I formed w/ some of the Bloggers, like YOU, while dropping always!!!

  4. I hate what it has done to traffic for everyone. Then without so much as a word...poof be gone! I will stop buy when I can. Hope to see you once in a while, too!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - it is appreciated! I will do my best to return it with a visit to your blog. Take care, and enjoy!


Visitors Since 09/05/07