Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ABC Wednesday - R is for Rain

R is for Rain............

wet purple lilacs bending from the rain

It has been this way for over five days now, and it is supposed to last for another four.
Rain, Rain, and more Rain.
The purple lilacs in the front yard started blossoming last Friday.
And I usually open the kitchen window and let their beautiful scent fill the house.
It has been so cold we have been running the heat.
No open windows.
And the poor flowers are bent way over, drooping down.
Their blooms will pass shortly, so my fingers are crossed for a couple of sunny days before they do.
I have taken a couple of strolls outside in between the raindrops to grab a few whiffs.
No perfume can smell any better than Mother Nature's own blends!

This is the eighth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. there was a lilac bush next to my boyhood home. LOVE them
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Gorgeous bloom, it's been raining here too!

    Roses are Red

  3. This flower was very beautiful and looking for very colorful. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I've known lilacs my entire life and have loved each moment of their blossoms. Your photo is superb! It's been rain, rain and more rain here, too.

  5. Oh dear, lots of rain here as well, and my lilacs look about like that. Fortunately we got some sunny days when they first bloomed!


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