Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ABC Wednesday - U is for Underwater

U is for Underwater............

camera underwater in a plastic case

It is hard to recognize what this image is, but it is my camera.

I have a small pocket digital camera that has a waterproof plastic case that is made for going underwater.

It is really cool - all of the buttons on the case line up with the camera, so it is still completely usable.

It says the case is made to go to 10 meters in depth - and that more than covers anywhere I will be going with it.

I have seen too many interesting things while swimming, and with this little guy by my side, I can capture them.

I checked on one for my DSLR, but it costs almost as much as the camera itself.

I will stick with this one and enjoy it just as much!

This is the seventh round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. That's really cool Kathy. Oh brother something else to add to my list.
    Great shot too!:-)

  2. Well that is a very clever way to use your "U" word. I was thinking underwater...but couldn't come up with a picture.

  3. Great idea, and terrific pic.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Very cool. I never knew such a thing existed. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Donna - ABC Wednesday

  5. This shot gave me goosebumps, worrying for that underwater camera. Thanks for the explanation.
    Helen Mac, ABC Wednesday Team

  6. I wouldn't mind having an underwater camera. What fun! I'm glad that you can have one.
    Best wishes,

    Anna's abcWdRd7-U

    Anna's abcWdRd7-T


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