Sunday, August 3, 2008

Green Thumb Sunday - Wet Seaweed

Wet Seaweed by the Ocean for Green Thumb Sunday

different varieties wet seaweed at the ocean

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Something a bit different for Green Thumb Sunday today - not plants from my garden, but plants from the ocean.

There was such variety of seaweed in this pile that I couldn't resist taking a shot.

We were lucky enough to be at the ocean shortly after the tide went out, so the seaweed was still wet - not all dried and hard as it can get on a hot summer day.

The different textures, shapes, and colors make for a unique composition.

What the camera didn't capture though, were the hundreds of little hopping bugs that resided in the these ocean plants. They were sand fleas, and they enjoyed my ankles while I was getting this image.

It was worth it though to capture these ocean plants.


  1. Beautiful photo, too bad about the beasties, but it was worth it from what I can see:-)

  2. We have the seaweed on our beaches too! But none like this. No matter, it's still nature, and still interesting. I liked your GTS entry.

    My Green Thumb today is all hibiscus. Stop by, won't you? If you have time.

  3. Very nice ocean plant!

    I like seaweeds by the way!!

    Happy blogging!!

  4. It really is a unique photo. I think the life that lies within our rivers and oceans is more spectacular than most anything on land.

  5. Very intriguing photo - it *almost looks edible!

  6. That's a wonderful photo, Kathy. It foes show quite a variety of marine plants. Good job!



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