Wednesday, July 7, 2010

ABC Wednesday - Y is for Yeah!

Y is for Yeah!............

dry parched mud texture

I'm so excited!

We are going to be spending the day at the ocean - my most favorite place to be!

It has been way over a year since we were last there, and the sea has been calling to me in a loud voice.

Having been raised by the ocean, I miss being there, smelling it, feeling it, and hearing all the beautiful sounds it makes.

It's going to be oh so hot - temps are predicted to be in the high 90's to 100 degrees.

Sunscreen, lunch, camera for me, and fishing poles for the boys.

Can't wait!!

This is the sixth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. The water will be so refreshing in the heat. Don't forget the sunscreen... and a tall cool drink!

  2. Enjoy your visit to the beach. It is my fave place to visit also, but I don't get out there often enough.

  3. Yea! Indeed! :-) Have a wonderful time.

  4. How wonderful! Have a terrific time -

  5. Oh yeah great entry for Y, mine is here

  6. Stopping by from ABC Wed. We just love to go to the beach as well -- the best vacation place for all ages! Have a good trip!

  7. i did yes this time; related words, i reckon. have fun!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. Yeah! Or Yay!! I see you had a yearning to go back. LOL!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  9. Hooray for 'yeah' and seaside visits!
    Best wishes,

    Anna's Y-words

  10. I love the ocean too - everything about it. I hope you have a wonderful time!


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