Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ABC Wednesday - D is for Drops


D is for Drops...........

rain drops on daffodil leaves

The pretty daffodil blooms had passed, and the green leaves were all that remained.
Knowing that they must turn brown and dry up before they are removed from the garden we let them lay until about mid May.
Then they get braided - many patches of them fill the flower bed.
The summer flowers grow around them, covering the braids that are beginning to turn brown.
All the life and goodness of the flower has returned to the bulb under the ground - ensuring it will grow next spring.
I love the way the water beads up on the leaves after a rainstorm.


This is the ninth round of ABC Wednesday. If you would like to join in please visit this site for the details.


  1. What a lovely idea—braiding the green leaves. I've never thought of doing that but will have to give it a try.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  2. Wow! Fantastic post for D - DRAMATIC even!
    Thanks so much - a great contribution as ever.
    ABC Team


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