Sunday, August 2, 2009

You are Welcome to Grab a Link

Grab a Link

I just added a new item to the sidebar, and am quite excited by it.

Jackie, over at The Painted Veil gave me an excellent piece of advice, and I thank her so much for it!

She mentioned that she didn't want to miss any of the posts that I do on Fridays - the Photo Tip Friday ones, and suggested I have a link to them so they are all in one place without having to look for them.

And with her help, we came up with a button that has the code to share with my readers.

I invite you all to grab a link to post on your blog so it only takes one click to get to all these posts at once.

A very clever idea, Jackie, and I do appreciate your help.

I enjoy sharing what I know, and if you have any questions, please drop me note, and I will do my best to find the answers.

Have a good week, my friends, and don't forget to "grab a link"!


  1. Oh this is great! I added your badge at my banner collection blog now. ;-)

  2. Kathy this is so wonderful of you to mention me like this....I told you that you didn't need to. Thank you so much!!

    I have the code copied and I am headed over to add it right now.

    Thanks're the best!!

  3. okey...I grab it now because I got some from here.for Foto blog , so check it out!

  4. I have added you to my friends, and posting your code! Thank you!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - it is appreciated! I will do my best to return it with a visit to your blog. Take care, and enjoy!


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